Our house sits on 4.5 acres, and much of it is landscaped. That means there is a LOT of concrete and other hard surfaces. Pair that with the volume of rain we get in the northwest and it’s no wonder that we get a significant amount of “organic matter” (read: moss, algae, and other gross stuff) on every surface of our property.

After a year of living here, I knew we needed to get everything cleaned up. The sport court had become so slippery that my son has fallen and hurt himself multiple times while playing basketball. It wasn’t just an eye sore…it was a safety hazard.

I talked with multiple companies because of the size of the job, and went with Eco Clean Northwest for several reasons:

  1. They were recommended by a good friend, who has a family connection to the owners
  2. They have excellent reviews
  3. They were prompt with communication
  4. They can do multiple services – power washing, house washing, concrete roof cleaning, and window washing. I love that they can do pretty much everything I need in one company
  5. They use cleaners, not just water – I realize this may not be for everyone, but we tried power washing the sport court several times without treating it and nothing was actually killing the growth, leaving the court slippery and unsafe.
  6. Their bid was very competitive
  7. They seemed genuinely excited about what they do and the difference they could make on my house – I love people who are passionate about their jobs!

The Results

Let’s cut right to it, because we all love a good before and after. James, the owner, sent me some before and after shots he took with a drone. I took some of my own, but his give a better view of the changes.

That dark grey isn’t just water (though the concrete is wet). The circular marks are where big planters were sitting.
I wasn’t expecting to notice as much of a difference as I do with the half-walls. They look so much better!
The deck, and the railing in particular, were rough. There was green algae growing all over the white railing.
The railings are bright and white again and the waterproof surface is finally clean.

There are lots more pictures, but I think these give a great view of what it looks like now compared to what it was.

I am having Eco Clean Northwest come back out in a few months and wash the house, as well as clean the roof and gutters to make sure we are in tip top shape for spring and summer hosting.

This is not a sponsored post, and they didn’t know I would be writing this, but I really have been impressed with the speed, quality, and communication they showed throughout the process.

What to Keep in Mind when Power Washing your Concrete

I had a bit of sticker shock because of the size of this job, and it was made worse by needing to hire movers to get all our outdoor furniture and planters moved off the concrete. I suppose you could do this yourself, but we had enough furniture that it took 2 professional movers 3 hours to get everything out of the way. I don’t have the strength or time to get that job done, so I was happy to outsource it! (I used First Due Movers and was happy with them – recommended!)

With any kind of home maintenance project, it is worth it to get a second or third opinion and quote before making a decision. I had multiple companies come out and look at our space and while I’m sure that any of them would have done a fine job, I got the best feeling about working with Eco Clean Northwest, and I’m glad I followed that instinct. Not only did they do a great job, they charged me less than another company I was considering.

Don’t let it get too bad before you get started – this project took 2.5 days to complete because it had been so long since it was last washed…I don’t know exactly how long, but certainly since before we went under contract on our house in October 2020. I’m hoping with a regular maintenance schedule, it doesn’t take as long (and therefore as much money) to keep the grounds looking amazing.

If you call Eco Clean Northwest, tell them PNWLiving sent you!


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